0900 - BBC2
Its full on turkey hangover time, which means there’s no better way to start the day then with another Classic Hollywood musical. Cracking duet with Crosby and Frank Sinatra as well so catch that if nothing else
0950 - BBC1
See, I quite enjoyed Pikachu when I saw it at the cinema but then a year later we had the Sonic film which was a bit better? I mean, really, when you get down to brass tacks it was Jim Carrey that made that film if we’re all honest. Pikachu doesn’t have anything like that so its just not quite as good. And for Abominable? Not seen it, but I remember the reviews being good so its probably worth a go
1100 - Legend
More 1960s movie knock off Doctor Who! Only this one has extra Bernard Cribbins so thats always fun. And then more 60s British sci-fi with Quatermass and The Pit. Now, this is an interesting one; based on a TV show that was broadcast live in 1958, its a cracking pulpy story of some construction workers finding what they think it an unexploded German bomb which turns out to be something else entirely. There’s folks who’ll tell you the TV show was better, and those that prefer the movie. But either way its a cracking film well worth your time
1140 - Channel 4
Another classic musical, although this time its from the 80s rather than the classic 50s period. Is that a bad thing? A little bit, by this time musicals weren’t quite the prestige productions that they used to be. So it looks a little rough around the edges, but you can’t argue with the charm and the energy of it
1245 - BBC2
Good Lord thats a couple of brilliant films there, back to back. Brief Encounter remains heartbreakingly romantic despite its age, I guess some themes are universal and will probably last forever. And North by Northwest is just the definition of A Cracking Romp, all Cary Grant being cool and spy plots going on all around him. A superb double bill this
1320 - 5 Action
Right, I know, I know, we’ve already had those first two films in the guide before but here they are back to back if you missed them. And then two more Clint films! The last one is optional, Dirty Harry films by this point having lost their way but Kelly’s Heroes is arguably Eastwood’s secret best film. Its brilliant!
1500 - ITV1
Oh man, you can’t have the Christmas period without this. This is such a nuts film, just the in the opening credits theres huge crowds re-enacting epic car races just to give the car some back story. Its bonkers! And then you have Dick Van Dyke near enough at the height of his powers dancing his legs off whenever he can. Just brilliant!
1500 - ITV4
Wow, what a tonal shift this one is; big budget classic Hollywood in 1960, then mid 90s special effects nonsense with Twister. I mean, we all know that Spartacus is the better film, but does it have a cow thrown through the air by a massive tornado? Exactly.
1505 - ITV2
Ice Age I can take or leave as a series, however my eldest would argue that they’re all absolute bangers which probably says more about my success as a parent. But we can’t argue about Matilda, this is a genuine classic and probably the best take on a Roald Dahl novel. Alright, best live action take.
1535 - PBS
As an Old Dad getting older by the hour, a whole afternoon of a Ken Burns documentary about The Vietnam War speaks to me. Just the kind of show to settle down to with a box of Roses and then fall instantly asleep before the opening credits finish.
1850 - Channel 4
Behold, a perfect film.
2100 - Film4
A superb triple bill from Film4 here; starting with an absolute banger, a fever dream of mid 90s action excess fired at you with the sheer force of a pumped up Nic Case. Trading Places remains one of the great comedies of the 80s, and then To Live and wait a second, they only gave it three stars?! Thats a crime. Arguably Friedkin’s best of the decade, its a belter of a crime film. Honestly, its great, watch it!
2100 - Great Movies
Speaking of Old Dad Stuff, here’s yet another Clint Eastwood film however this is later than the others we’ve been looking at. Its similar to Unforgiven in the way that it uses Clint’s persona and the legacy of it to add the weight of time onto his character in the film. Its not as successful as Unforgiven. its much more of a pulpy thriller than anything else. But its still good, one of the best Dad Films on the 90s, up there with The Fugitive.
2310 - Legend Extra
I beg your pardon? The original Assault on Precinct 13? The John Carpenter one? That one? Aaah, thats brilliant! Too often when I see this title its the rubbish new one so its cracking to see this one get a run out on TV. And what a soundtrack!